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Why Attend a Facilities Management User Conference?

Kevin Raasch

Kevin Raasch

With so many distance learning opportunities available, is it imperative to attend a facilities management user conference this year?

After all, with the prevalence of facilities management blogs, video instruction, and online courses, is it really necessary to carefully pack liquids in 3-ounce containers, brave security lines, and spend a few nights in an unfamiliar room to gain some fresh information on facilities management?

While there are some fantastic online resources available for facilities management professional development, there’s immense value in attending a user conference for facilities professionals as well.

General Sessions1. Get pumped up by the atmosphere.
Every sports fan knows, watching a football game on TV is nothing like attending the live event. When you’re in the stadium, you feel the energy of the crowd, and feed off the comradery (and friendly rivalry) of the spectators and players at the game.

Renew your passion for facilities management and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow facilities professionals when you attend a user conference.


2. Connect with your facilities management family.

When you’re immersed in the day to day of managing the facilities within your organization, it can become far too easy to be frustrated by the mundane or hung up on logistical issues within your department.

At an event like a user conference, you can connect with professionals who are in the trenches with you. You can laugh together over the things that others outside of facilities management just don’t “get” and you can brainstorm solutions and share best practices.

Remember the time you spent a week troubleshooting an issue that ended up requiring a five dollar fifteen-minute fix? Chances are, other facilities professionals may be facing that same problem. A user conference is the perfect opportunity to laugh (or commiserate) over the story, and maybe even save a fellow professional the pain you experienced at the time.


Networking3. Engage with leaders in the facilities management industry.

Facilities management user conferences not only provide a sense of comradery and excitement, but they also present an unparalleled opportunity to engage with key staff and industry leaders. Find out what’s coming next in the world of facilities management and find key insights to create a strategic plan for your organization.

Learn about the newest advances in facilities management technology – directly from the creators of the latest FM products. Facilities management user conferences offer the opportunity to get face time with those crafting the FM technology of tomorrow. It’s your chance to ask questions, offer suggestions, and even shape the next generation of FM technology. After all, you’re in the trenches and the experts want to hear from you.


Breakouts4. Gain efficiencies to take your organization to the next level.

AssetWorld attendees report gaining efficiencies at their organizations that more than offset the cost of attending the conference.

By discovering best practices, receiving best-in-industry training, and sharing hints, you’ll build a knowledge base to take your organization up to the next level.

From discovering a game-changing facilities management app to finding effective ways to communicate with customers, the things you learn at a facilities management user conference will impact your organization for years to come.


AssetWorld_ (43)5. Have Fun!

After all, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Educational studies have proven we learn best when we’re engaged and having fun. So, get away from that computer screen and enjoy yourself as your further your career and facilities management at your organization. After all, most of the year, workweeks are filled with endless to-do lists, complex projects, and menial tasks. So, take advantage of the opportunity to do something that’s great for your organization and gives you the chance to have some fun, too!


Facilities management user conferences offer the chance to explore a new city (or revisit an old favorite), meet new friends, and make memories that last a lifetime – all while learning new practices and prepare to embrace the future of facilities management.

If you’re interested in attending AssetWorld, visit our website to learn more

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