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Facility Condition Assessments: Your Light in the Dark

Randy Walsh

Randy Walsh

Today’s facility managers truly are the MacGyvers, Jack Bauers, and Ethan Hunts of their organization.

Think about it. Most facility managers work tactfully behind the scenes to navigate inaccurate data, shifting priorities, and vanishing budgets. And despite the insurmountable odds their facilities will, once again, be rescued by the end of the show.

However, all Hollywood Heroes have tools to help them overcome these obstacles. In the facility management world, your Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) should be considered your trusty flashlight.

Why are FCAs so important?

Facility Condition Assessments are not top secret information. Most facility managers know they help to identify, prioritize, and track the repair and maintenance objectives. A tool like this helps to strategize facility manager's attack while maximizing their budget. Especially in today’s climate, most organizations are not adding square footage. Instead, they are evaluating their building portfolios to understand how to get the most out of their existing facilities. If your organization is making decisions in the dark, it’s time to find and light that torch.

Where do organizations miss the mark?

Top 5 Facility Condition Assessment (FCAs) Pitfalls:



1)  Import / Export

Delivered in spreadsheets or siloed systems, most organizations have trouble getting the data in and out of an FCA with efficiency and reliability.

2)  Accuracy

Even under the best conditions, the data generated in an FCA represents a snapshot in time which begins deteriorating upon delivery.

3)  Costs

If not managed correctly, FCAs can consume time and money without producing the original, intended value.

4)  Access

Often the data is not integrated into an Integrated Work Management System (IWMS) and resides in a physical report, spreadsheet, or siloed system.

5)  Bottlenecks

With isolated access to the FCA data, decision-making around capital budgeting and prioritization of resources can become bottlenecked.


What is the line of questioning?

  • Do you feel your existing asset and capital planning data accurately represents the condition of your assets? Do you have a nagging feeling that you're missing something?

  • Do you know what is coming next or is your asset data and project list always focused on what is already here and needs fixing?

  • If your organization does have an assessment - is the bottom half offering value, or do you spend 95% of your time on the upper half?

What if my international spy skills aren't up to snuff?

Integrated ANA Infographic

Don't worry, even Ethan Hunt from Mission Impossible, presumably went through years of rigorous hero training.

The first step is to identify where you and your organization's priorities lay. Then, become as knowledgeable as you can with FCAs and how they can impact your mission critical goals. (Our Integrated ANA Infographic is a good place to start.) 

And know that every action hero has a wise mentor who helps them along the way.


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