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Employee Spotlight - Brandon Kiso

Jordan Lueck

Jordan Lueck

Each quarter we will spotlight one of our many exceptional employees who regularly go above and beyond to keep us thriving. This is a chance for us to not only recognize our internal team members but to show off our team of dedicated professionals to the world! Our selected employee spotlight for each quarter will not only get a little extra special kudos, but AssetWorks will make a donation to a charitable organization of their choice in the employee’s name.


Meet Brandon - Software Engineer


Meet Brandon Kiso, Software Engineer


Brandon Kiso joined AssetWorks as a Software Engineer in September of 2021 after working at Oklahoma State for 10 years. Before that, he attended Missouri State University, graduating in 2009 with a Computer Science degree. Since joining AssetWorks, he’s made a profound impact across multiple teams. He focuses primarily on Business Automation but doesn’t hesitate to help the Maintenance Engineering and Custom Development teams as needed. As a result, he’s quickly become an invaluable resource to the AssetWorks team. 
In addition to his expansive AiM knowledge, his willingness and desire to drive the company forward are a big part of the reason that he has been selected as employee of the quarter. 

Glenn Adams, Chief Operating Officer says, “I'm very appreciative of Brandon's "How can I help?" attitude. While the diversity of skills and talents we have here is impressive, the most helpful thing we can bring to work is a great attitude. Be determined, be smart, be efficient, but also be kind and helpful. It goes a long way.” 

Brandon Kiso + FamilyBrandon currently resides in Pennsylvania with his wife, 2 daughters, and their dog named Evey. You’ll find Evey joining him for most of his meetings throughout the day. In these meetings, you’ll also likely see that Brandon’s fingernails are typically painted, usually pink. His daughters are very diligent in ensuring that his nails are well-maintained. In his spare time, Brandon enjoys going on bike rides with his family and cheering on the San Antonio Spurs. 

Brandon has selected the Animal Welfare Institute as his charity of choice. AssetWorks will donate to the cause on Brandon’s behalf and in his name. 

We are pleased to showcase Brandon as our employee spotlight for this quarter! 


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