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Employee Spotlight - Tyler Faeth

Jordan Lueck

Jordan Lueck

Each quarter we will spotlight one of our many exceptional employees who regularly go above and beyond to keep us thriving. This is a chance for us to not only recognize our internal team members but to show off our team of dedicated professionals to the world! Our selected employee spotlight for each quarter will not only get a little extra special kudos, but AssetWorks will make a donation to a charitable organization of their choice in the employee’s name.


Employee Spotlight - Tyler


Meet Tyler Faeth, our Customer Care Manager


Tyler manages AssetWorks’ Customer Care team. His primary focus is ensuring his team provides accurate and timely responses to the customer base. Tyler joined the AssetWorks family as a Software Support Analyst in January 2018. As a result of his knowledge and hard work, Tyler was promoted to Customer Care Team Lead in January 2019 and to Customer Care Manager in October 2020.

Before joining AssetWorks, Tyler worked at ckIS Consultants for three and a half years. ckIS provided consultation for AssetWorks’ clients, which means Tyler was able to begin his career at AssetWorks with a well-rounded understanding of the software. Before that, Tyler attended California State University – Fresno and earned his Bachelor of Science in Information Systems degree.

When asked what he enjoys most about working at AssetWorks, Tyler stated, “The people. Not necessarily just my co-workers, but the customers that we get to build a relationship with.”

Tyler and FamilyTyler and his wife, Sarah, moved from California to Texas in January 2018 and welcomed their son, Oliver, into the world in September 2021. They have truly embraced everything Texas, enjoy all the queso, and have made a wonderful home here with their dogs, Howie and Phoebe. In his spare time, Tyler enjoys playing with Oliver and watching him learn new things. He’s also a bit of a foody and enjoys the opportunity to try new food and drinks.

Tyler has a personal family tie to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and as such, has selected the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as his charity of choice. AssetWorks will donate to the cause on Tyler’s behalf and in his name.   

We are pleased to showcase Tyler as our employee spotlight for this quarter! 


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